Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Love is...?

Being single for 20 going 21 years of my life, I really want to know what being in love is like. Its not that I choose to be single, its just, I don't understand why too. But, no guys I met in my life sincerely confess to me and tell me straight in the face that they like me. Seeing my friends getting attached, acting lovey dovey in front of you, taking sweet photos with their beloved partners, I can't help but get jealous. What can I do?

Friends try to comfort me and say that this is all happening because the right person isn't here yet. However, isn't all these getting too long? Every, single day, I look into the mirror and stare at myself. I don't know what is wrong with me. As in, I am not very very pretty, but I am not ugly. I am not that average looking when I dress up. My character? I am not rebellious or have those bad traits as well. But why is it not happening to me?

Guys who might seem interested just leave some ambiguous replies on facebook or twitter or facebook message me. This is real bad. I am starting to post more stuff like photos on facebook, twitter and instagram to garner his attention. I get really confused by guys like these, especially YOU, shall name it as Z. We talk on facebook but in real life, we actually avoid each other. Can't we just start talking to each other and be friends at least? I don't want to just be online friends with you because I feel that that is not REAL at all. I am really tired of waiting every single lecture, thinking and hoping that we will have eye contact and say Hi to each other. Just a HI will make me feel that there is slight progress of us being friends at least. I always believe that people will do all sorts of things to get the thing that they want badly. I guess perhaps I am not one of these things because if that's the case, then you would have proceed to do things more than just messaging. We don't even have each other's number to say the least. Sometimes I really hate you for starting the conversation with me. I really hate myself too for saying Hi to you that fateful day and then initiated talking to you that fine day.

I am not desperate. I just want to feel being wanted by someone, to worry about someone, get jealous over his actions, act like a baby in front of him, be the most important person to someone's life. I want to take lovey dovey photos, go on dates, show off about him in front of my friends too. But why are these not happening? )))); Found this on tumbr, and yes, this is how I feel all the time.

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